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(3 edits) (+1)

This is a really good game ! There are really smart mechanics et brillants moments.
I'm scared how the dev must has turned crazy in some playtest of puzzle xD

(1 edit)

Thank you for your kind words :)

I did indeed tear my hair out creating the levels, testing different combinations over and over again, testing what's finishable and what isn't, testing different levels of difficulty, varying the mechanisms, and so on.

I would have liked more levels, but with the game's limited mechanics and the difficulty of creating levels, that's as far as I got.

But at least it's a finishable mini-game. And it's licensed free and open source, so anyone can improve it.


Had a blast playing through all the levels. Really love the art -- Bobby looks so rad. Those final levels are BRUTAL -- but I made my way through it all!

Glad you liked it! I spent a lot of time designing the game, and I'm neither a game developer nor a graphic designer, so I'm glad you liked the graphics too!

Thanks a lot for the video, it really shows how the game is played and how a player thinks about the levels. It also helps to give it some visibility, and maybe help some blocked players.


Fun puzzle game , been enjoying ii so far, I bet levels start to get difficult soon.
Not as much of a fan of the scrolling screens, I like being able to see the whole puzzle but one every now and again is fine.
no music so far?
I would mabie make the icy tiles more unique? they are a little subtle for me, i would have gone base black with details to show its defo different and increase the speed when moving on them.
I'm sure people would pay for this

(1 edit) (+2)

Thank you very much for your feedback! :)

There are not too many screens scrolling. Only two from memory. I don't know if I'm going to keep these levels.

There's no music at the moment, and it's not planned. But if I ever find time, why not.

I'm having a hard time representing the ice, and I know there are still visibility flaws. I had originally put it in black, but it made the other tiles hard to read in particular cases. For the movement speed, I'll note that.

It's nice to know that people would pay for it, but for the moment it's not planned. It's a project I'm developing on my own time, for fun. If I add a touch of professionalism, why not put a free price.


I’m really enjoying this! It’s giving me major Chip’s Challenge vibes.

(1 edit) (+1)

I didn't know Chip's Challenge. I was inspired by Bobby Carrot. Thanks a lot for your comment, I'm very happy that you like the game. :)